Saturday, March 3, 2007

Carl Frederik's House in Chicago

In 1905, Ditlev Eltzholtz came to American to visit his sons and his brother Carl, who lived at #688 North Campbell Avenue. In 1909, the city of Chicago renumbered all house addresses, so the corresponding address is now 1329 North Campbell Avenue.

Here is the location on the west side of Chicago:

And a closer, 3D view, with Humboldt Park in the background:

100 years later, one of Ditlev's great-great-grandsons would also live in this city and pass by the place Carl Frederik once lived.


Anonymous said...

That is very good work you did in locating the address in Chicago that Carl Frederick Eltzholtz lived during the visit from Ditlev in 1905. I was wondering if there is still a structure on the lot that looks like the building that Ditlev described in his diary of the trip. It would have been a two story structure. Bill Eltzholtz.

Anonymous said...

The spot where the corrected address is turned out to be a vacant spot. From Lori Eltzholtz